
My dream place :)

Hm, you know, I've always of dream come to Paris because of its beauty and there has many romantic places such as at the eiffel tower. Ouh, its so romantic! Aku dah lame cadang nak pegi kat situ, dengan kawan kawan aku and of course my ** hehe and when i go there i wanna read to her this poetry.

i don't know why..
but i feel so uneasy lately...
i can't eat
i can't sleep..
it's so painful..when i think of u...
it makes me easier to breathe..easier to do every job i need to do..
i think i'm falling...FALL IN LOVE WITH U~

Aku rase tu je kot aku nak cite dah takde bende laen. sebab sekarang dah pagi so faham faham je la yeah. Hihi. Peace dude :)

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